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A/C Maintenance


Proper maintenance of your A/C system is essential—not just for keeping your home comfortable, but also for protecting it from potential damage. Beyond maintaining its heating and cooling functions, ensuring the condensate drain is clear and unclogged is crucial. The arrows in the image highlight water damage on the wooden flooring of a pier and beam home, caused by a clogged A/C drain that had been leaking unnoticed. Thankfully, during a routine inspection, H&H detected the issue before it worsened. Regular A/C check-ups can help prevent hidden problems like this and safeguard your home.

Chad Hammons with H&H Inspections, PLLC provides Home Inspection services for clients in the all of the following Texas counties without any travel fees: Austin, Bastrop, Brazoria, Caldwell, Calhoun, Colorado, Dewitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Gonzalez, Hays, Jackson, Lavaca, Matagorda, Travis, Victoria, Wharton, Williamson.

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